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The China Securities Regulatory Commission conducted a special survey on the implementation of the new “Nine National Articles” and the promotion of the development of new quality productivity

In order to thoroughly implement the “Several Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Supervision, Preventing Risks and Promoting High-Quality Development of the Capital Market” (the new “Nine Articles”), Wu Qing, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, recently led a team in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other places to focus on the implementation of Conduct research and supervision on topics such as the “1+N” policy system of the capital market, further comprehensively deepening reforms, and better serving the development of new productive forces. During the survey, we visited 4 technological innovation companies and held 5 symposiums. We had in-depth exchanges with representatives of listed companies, representatives of industry organizations and heads of some CSRC system units, and fully listened to opinions and suggestions.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission conducted a special survey on the implementation of the new

Wu Qing pointed out that the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the high-quality development of the capital market. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on many occasions, and the new “Nine National Articles” have made systematic arrangements. The State Council recently held the seventh special study to further deepen the reform of the capital market. Promote the stable and healthy development of the capital market. All market participants and units of the China Securities Regulatory Commission must take the opportunity to implement the new “Nine National Articles”, adhere to the political and people-oriented nature of capital market work, improve professionalism, and focus on strengthening supervision, preventing risks, and promoting high-quality development. Adhere to the direction of marketization and rule of law, respect laws and rules, continue to deepen capital market reform, promote the continuous advancement, deepening and solidification of the stock issuance registration system reform, improve the inclusiveness of new industries, new business formats and new technologies, and promote the development of new quality productivity . The China Securities Regulatory Commission will take the initiative to strengthen reporting and communication with local party committees and governments, and jointly implement the requirements set forth in the new “Nine National Articles” to strictly control issuance and listing access, increase delisting efforts, improve the quality of listed companies, and prevent and resolve risks in key areas. .

Wu Qing emphasized that listed companies are the foundation of the capital market and should play a leading role in promoting high-level scientific and technological innovation and promoting key technological research. The actual controllers and senior executives of listed companies must establish a correct “listing concept”, enhance the awareness of public companies and returns to investors, improve the level of corporate governance and standardized operations, strictly regulate information disclosure, dividends, shareholding reduction and other behaviors, and promote corporate Family spirit to promote high-quality development of listed companies. The China Securities Regulatory Commission will continue to implement the relevant arrangements for the new “Nine National Articles” and the “16 Scientific and Technological Innovation Articles”, deepen institutional reforms such as mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations, support the innovative development of technology-based enterprises, and strive to become better and stronger. At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the supervision of listed companies and strictly enforce Crack down on financial fraud, illegal occupation and other illegal activities, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

Wu Qing requested that industry organizations, as important forces in the capital market, must conscientiously study and implement the new “Nine National Regulations”, further correct their business philosophy, return to their roots, and achieve high-quality development. Sponsors, accounting firms, law firms and other intermediary agencies must effectively fulfill their “gatekeeper” responsibilities, continuously improve the quality of practice, and strengthen the construction of industry culture. We must adhere to integrity and innovation, enhance professional service capabilities, and play a greater role in promoting the formation of innovative capital and supporting the development of new quality productive forces. Fund companies and other professional investment institutions must adhere to the concepts of rational investment, value investment, and long-term investment, and provide investors with a richer range of financial products and financial services.

Wu Qing emphasized that the China Securities Regulatory Commission system must further implement the requirements of the “three excellences”, effectively strengthen its own construction, focus on political construction, business construction and team building, and resolutely rectify problems such as the “revolving door” in politics and business and “escape resignation”. , deepen the comprehensive and strict party governance and anti-corruption struggle, create a loyal, clean and responsible regulatory iron army, and provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of the capital market.